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Monday, October 25, 2010

8th Grade Appreciation Final Draft

“I never had a brain until Freak came along.”
            This is probably the most significant line in the book. It explains how big teamwork is in this amazing story. Without teamwork, Freak the Mighty wouldn’t even exist. It’s amazing the feats they are able to obtain and the obstacles they’re able to overcome.
            At first, it was just Max. All his life, he was made fun of. Stupid. Dumb. Slow. The whole 9 yards. Not to mention he had dyslexia, and he was 6”Monster. Max lives with his grandparents. His father murdered his mother when he was 4-ish, so his father is in jail. Max had learned to live alone.
            Then Freak comes along. He’s pretty much Max’s counterpart – 3”Midget and an enormous brain. You’d think they’d avoid each other. But no. They are the perfect match, and together, they’re able to do anything.
            This shows that through teamwork, you can accomplish anything. In my opinion, I think that even when the final climax has ended, teamwork still lives on in Max’s life. Even after Freak has “left”, Max has been influenced by him so much that it affects his future decisions. I love that. It just goes to show how far teamwork can get you.
            So if you ever read this book, just keep that in mind. The fact that teamwork is an amazing thing, and how much it applies to the book. The world would be so much better if people in charge could just adapt to being open to new ideas from new people. Instead of arguing and just being so self-centered, just stop and listen. You should think about it.

1 comment:

  1. gabe i really like thins, we each did freak the mighty and i really liked how you really elaborated on this one topic, good job
